Poland has its own currency – Polish zloty. Poland belongs to European Union, but they are still refuses to use Euro as main currency and still leaves with Polish zloty. Because of this reason, i mean local currency, Poland has one of the lowest food, clothes and other goods prices in Europe. They are big, with stable economy. Poland with population of over 40 million are one of the main countries in Europe.
Category: Currency
Australian dollar
Australian dollar is popular currency. Australia actually is always looking step forward and probably will be one of the first countries in the world which will start virtual Australian currency.
At the moment Australian dollar has 5 denominations of banknotes $5, $10, $20, $50 and $100. From 2016 Australia started new polymer series banknotes. First tries are with $5 and $10 banknotes, but plan is to change all banknotes from paper to polymer.
If we talk about AUD trading, so it’s the fifth most tradable currency in the world.
Japanese Yen
Japanese Yen is fourth most popular currency in the world. Currency has four different denominations 1000, 2000, 5000 and 10000. It’s interesting, that each banknote has the same height, but different width. The 10,000 banknote is the widest with 170mm, 5,000 with 156mm, 2,000 with 154mm and 1,000 with 150mm. All banknotes are the same height 76mm.
Each banknote has front and back sides. On the front side there is some famous Japanese people or buildings. On the back side you will meet famous views.
Swiss franc
Swiss franc is official currency of Switzerland. Currency code is CHF.
Bitcoin is the most popular virtual currency. Now it is very popular and will be the future currency which uses blockchain technology. Bitcoin’s currency code is BTC.
British pound
British pound is the national currency of Great Britain. They are about going out from European Union and this exit has unique name BREXIT.
British pound currency code is GBP.
Euro is official currency of European Union. European union consists of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.
But there are still some of the EU members who’s not using euro as national currency.
Euro currency code is EUR.
US dollar
US Dollar is the most popular currency in the world. Currency code of US dollar is USD.
US Dollar currency converter
List of Currency
- 1 USDequals
- 1.6037AUD
- 1.4432CAD
- 18.6000ZAR
- 0.8146GBP
- 1.0000USD