Currency converter USD to ZAR

This currency converter will show you conversion results if you want to calculate USD to ZAR or ZAR to USD. Currency converter has integration with various forex and currency exchanges, so the results are always shown by current rate of exchange. South African rand currency is the most stable currencies in Africa, and it’s most common exchange pair is with US dollar. Below you will find latest currency exchange rates of SA rand and US dollar. Reliable and accurate USD to ZAR calculator is here below.

USD to ZAR calculator

From :
To :

Current USD to ZAR exchange rate

  • 1 USDequals
  • 0.0000ZAR

SA exchange rates updated: 22nd October 2024

Currency converter is very useful tool if you want to know current rate of exchange by exact amount of the rand. We all are interested to convert zar to any currency, so most popular pair with rand is of course, us dollar. This international money converter or calculator (it is the same meaning just different words) is able to convert usd to zar, you just need to enter amount of usd and enter amount of zar and press “Convert“. The result comes in text and shows you the price of usd or the price of zar – it depends on what currency you’ve chosen to convert from.

As we all know, there are many currency exchanges in South Africa. But you have to be smart before you exchange any currency. In common case you will exchange us dollar to rand if you came for holidays or you came from work abroad to see your family. So, before you go to currency exchange, just check here, with this calculator how much you should get after conversion. Exchanges, when selling or buying currency, offers different exchange rate, so buy/sell exchange rate will be different. When you sell – exchange rate is higher if you compare with exchange rate when you’re buying. For example, if you’ll sell 1000 usd and will get some amount of rands, later, with those rands which you’ve got from exchange you won’t be able to buy 1000 usd, you will get less. So, from this difference, currency/forex exchanges earns money.

In South Africa, you should exchange you currency (rands or us dollars) in fx currency exchanges, but we won’t recommend to do this in hotels or airports. The best and safest way is to exchange currency at banks or currency exchanges. At every bank or currency exchange you will see electronic tables, where it shows the exchange rates of different currencies when the main currency is SA rand. In those tables you will su BUY and SELL rates, so, depends on your needs, you have to check BUY or SELL rate.

Currency converter ZAR USD
Currency exchange

This price converter does not include BUY or SELL exchange rates, this currency converter works by collecting official exchange rates from central bank of SA, banks, currency and fx exchanges.

Rand per US Dollar

Weighted average of the banks’ daily rates at approximately 10:30 am. Weights are based on the banks’ foreign exchange transactions.

US dollar converter

US dollar converter is the most popular converter in the world. Here, you are able to convert (both sides) usd to eur, usd to gbp, usd to inr, usd to zar, usd to cny, usd to jpy, usd to chf, usd to aud and many more. Of course, the most popular currency pair and conversion is dollar to euro. Below you will find best currency converter with current exchange rates.

US dollar converter

From :
To :

Most popular US dollar pairs current exchange rates

  • 1 USDequals
  • 0.0000USD
  • 0.0000EUR
  • 0.0000GBP
  • 0.0000CNY
  • 0.0000AUD
  • 0.0000ZAR
  • 0.0000JPY
  • 0.0000NOK
  • 0.0000SEK
  • 0.0000BRL
  • 0.0000NZD
  • 0.0000CHF

US dollar exchange rates updated: 22nd October 2024

Polish zloty

Poland has its own currency – Polish zloty. Poland belongs to European Union, but they are still refuses to use Euro as main currency and still leaves with Polish zloty. Because of this reason, i mean local currency, Poland has one of the lowest food, clothes and other goods prices in Europe. They are big, with stable economy. Poland with population of over 40 million are one of the main countries in Europe.

Australian dollar

Australian dollar is popular currency. Australia actually is always looking step forward and probably will be one of the first countries in the world which will start virtual Australian currency.

At the moment Australian dollar has 5 denominations of banknotes $5, $10, $20, $50 and $100. From 2016 Australia started new polymer series banknotes. First tries are with $5 and $10 banknotes, but plan is to change all banknotes from paper to polymer.

If we talk about AUD trading, so it’s the fifth most tradable currency in the world.

Japanese Yen

Japanese Yen is fourth most popular currency in the world. Currency has four different denominations 1000, 2000, 5000 and 10000. It’s interesting, that each banknote has the same height, but different width. The 10,000 banknote is the widest with 170mm, 5,000 with 156mm, 2,000 with 154mm and 1,000 with 150mm. All banknotes are the same height 76mm.

Each banknote has front and back sides. On the front side there is some famous Japanese people or buildings. On the back side you will meet famous views.

Swiss franc

Swiss franc is official currency of Switzerland. Currency code is CHF.


Bitcoin is the most popular virtual currency. Now it is very popular and will be the future currency which uses blockchain technology. Bitcoin’s currency code is BTC.

British pound

British pound is the national currency of Great Britain. They are about going out from European Union and this exit has unique name BREXIT.

British pound currency code is GBP.


Euro is official currency of European Union. European union consists of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.

But there are still some of the EU members who’s not using euro as national currency.

Euro currency code is EUR.

US dollar

US Dollar is the most popular currency in the world. Currency code of US dollar is USD.

US Dollar currency converter

From :
To :

List of Currency

  • 1 USDequals
  • 0.0000AUD
  • 0.0000CAD
  • 0.0000ZAR
  • 0.0000GBP
  • 0.0000USD