US dollar converter

US dollar converter is the most popular converter in the world. Here, you are able to convert (both sides) usd to eur, usd to gbp, usd to inr, usd to zar, usd to cny, usd to jpy, usd to chf, usd to aud and many more. Of course, the most popular currency pair and conversion is dollar to euro. Below you will find best currency converter with current exchange rates.

US dollar converter

From :
To :

Most popular US dollar pairs current exchange rates

  • 1 USDequals
  • 1.0000USD
  • 0.9210EUR
  • 0.7768GBP
  • 7.2497CNY
  • 1.5265AUD
  • 18.3078ZAR
  • 153.7180JPY
  • 11.0233NOK
  • 10.8161SEK
  • 0.0000BRL
  • 1.6979NZD
  • 0.8831CHF

US dollar exchange rates updated: 27th July 2024

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